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Postby Big Err » Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:06 pm

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Postby martine » Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:33 pm

Outrageous...I'd be very tempted to contest this one if I were him.
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Postby michael769 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:43 pm

I hope that there is more to this case than than presented in the report.
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Postby Big Err » Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:04 pm

I would expect there is a lot more to this than the story given to the press by the reciever of the fixed penalty. You can imagine the conversation is the police vehicle - "My goodness, I don't believe what we've just witnessed! Did you see that man sneezing? Right! We'll be having him!" :lol:
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Postby Smiling Assassin » Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:55 pm

What a farse. Haven't the Bill got anything better to do up in bonny Scotland? I hope this goes to court and gets thrown out as a waste of time and money. :evil:
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Postby Darren » Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:26 pm

Another example of the complete lack of common sense on behalf of the authorities.

Postby MGF » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:26 pm

I remember watching an article in the news on the Police standing by the roadside looking for people using their mobile phones whilst driving. The traffic was slow moving, stop, start, during the evening 'rush' hour.

A driver was pulled over for using his phone. The Police officer lectured the driver on being in contrl of his vehicle. The driver defended his actions on the basis that he believed he had sufficient control in the circumstances as the traffic was hardly moving. The Police officer explained she didn't make the rules, she was responsible for enforcing them. Although she didn't make the rules she used the opportunity to lecture the driver and then was irritated by a perfectly reasonable defence.

Anyhow. It would not surprise me if the Police had picked-up on something like this and given a ticket in circumstances where it isn't appropriate.

Last night I approached a junction (that I know well) in the minibus. Cautiously, as there was little view to my left and slowly as always so I can stop away from the line if necessary. As I approach a car swings round the corner from the left almost entirely on 'my' side of the road. Left hand on the steering wheel with right hand, holding phone, moving quickly to right hand of steering wheel.

She hadn't the time to change direction sufficently. She clearly wasn't concentrating and if I had been approaching the junction, as some do, at speed and just stopping in time at the line we would have collided.

Unfortunately the Police aren't likely to be around to witness these examples of bad driving as it is easier to stand at the side of the road in rush hour picking on drivers stuck in traffic.
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Postby hir » Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:31 pm

This makes me SO cross!

Why, oh why, can't the police get their act together and just MAKE UP THEIR MINDS once and for all.

When I was in my teens our local village bobby was always saying to me..." keep your nose clean, there's a good lad". So, I always made sure that when I went out in the village I took my hanky with me.

Nowadays, the police can fine you if you do keep your nose clean; now, I'm going to have to start to break a habit of a lifetime and make sure that whenever I go out I don't take my hanky with me, and use my sleeve instead; just like wot my mother told me not to do!!! No wonder the youth of today are confused; no wonder the police are confused; no wonder the world is coming to an end!!!

Confusing, or wot?

PS: Independence for Scotland, individual membership of the UN?, Well, yes, at least the Scottish Police could then head up a UN commission to come up with a comprehensive review of techniques and strategies on how to take an eminently sensible law and apply it in such a stupid way that the entire citizenry is alienated against the enforcing power. Might make the "end of the world" scenario a little bit closer, which would be nice.
Last edited by hir on Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GJD » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:06 pm

MGF wrote:The Police officer explained she didn't make the rules, she was responsible for enforcing them.

That's pointless jobsworth behaviour of the worst kind, but can you really blame the individual officer? Presumably somebody more senior assigned her to go and shoot fish in a barrel that day (although her attitude in the ensuing conversation sounds like it wouldn't have helped). And perhaps that more senior individual only made that assignment because their performance is assessed on some criteria not easily satisfied by focussing their efforts on more dangerous behaviour like you saw last night.

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Postby ScoobyChris » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:08 pm

hir wrote:When I was in my teens our local village bobby was always saying to me..." keep your nose clean, there's a good lad". So, I always made sure that when I went out in the village I took my hanky with me.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby BlondeBimbo » Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:05 pm

As has been said above, I have no doubt that there is much more to this than he is reporting.

Many years ago - oops sorry, - a few years ago, my then BF and I were in slow traffic - and Stuart started to steer with his knee, whilst he fumbled about to find his hankie!

We ended up veering off toward oncoming vehicles and almost running into the back of the car in front - only averted by my shout and him stamping on the brake.

He had no control, no attention to the road, and I am sure his version of what happened would have been identical to this one if he would have been spotted!

Anyway, the happy news, I split up with him, and lived happily ever after!

(He married twice divorced twice - go figure!)

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Postby martine » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:20 am

Saw a tiny story in The Times on Satuday re the original post on the guy being prosecuted for blowing his nose.

He refused to pay the fine and now the resulting court case has been dropped. Common sense prevailed it seems but I hope the reporting officers and their superiors have learned from this.
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