Speed Limits in the Press

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Postby martine » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:47 pm

From The Times recently...

Drivers given a say on speed
Drivers in Buckinghamshire are being encouraged to help planners decide how fast they should be allowed to go. Under a plan piloted by the county council, roadside signs ask motorists whether they agree with the current speed limit.
The council says it has been swamped with responses from drivers. “It’s a legal requirement to have consultation on proposals to change speed limits,” says Alan Baverstock, the speed limit review officer at Buckinghamshire. “Traditionally these [invitations to express a view] are posted in local papers.
“When the residents see proposals for a lower speed limit they invariably say yes. The first thing motorists know about it is when the limit changes, and they then complain.”
The new system is aimed at allowing motorists to join the debate about the speed limit across the county.
The first signs appeared on a stretch of the A41; more are scheduled to be erected on the A413 near Aylesbury. They ask motorists to give their views on a proposed reduction of the speed limit from 50mph to 40mph. According to the council, the majority of respondents — most of whom are motorists — have voted against the change.
:) :) :)

And a follow up letter some days later...

Limited thinking
In my part of Buckinghamshire, the current speed limit review seems to be about setting 40mph limits on long stretches of rural road where the national limit applies — including the road past my front door.
I wrote in protest about this. Of course, all I received was an automated reply and, eight months later, the news that the new speed limits will be more or less as originally proposed.
I have become used, over the years, to all 30mph limits being extended outwards by a few hundred yards every few years but this round seems to break new ground with 40mph limits being imposed on long stretches of essentially rural roads.
Rod Cavanagh, Chesham, Buckinghamshire ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:( :( :(
Personally I'm quite depressed about the proliferation of new low limits...if it continues no member of the public will need AD skills - we'll all be travelling so slowly (enforced by average speed cameras etc). :roll:
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Postby fungus » Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:12 pm

:( :( :(
Personally I'm quite depressed about the proliferation of new low limits...if it continues no member of the public will need AD skills - we'll all be travelling so slowly (enforced by average speed cameras etc). :roll:[/quote]

I have to say I totally agree. We are having the same problem down here in Dorset. Most of the proposed reductions are either posted in one of the local papers tucked away in a position where they are not likely to be seen, or on a piece of A4 paper on a lamp post where they will not be seen by motorists.

If the press report the proposed changes in with other news, they don't inform readers of whom to object to, only that you have four weeks to object to the local council. When you visit the councils website there is no information about who to send objections to. I guess the idea is that objectors will find it too much bother, and give up.

I'm of the oppinion that the press is anti- motorist, as organisations like BRAKE seem to be given more coverage than any that are pro-motoring. :evil:
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Postby jont » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:11 pm

fungus wrote:When you visit the councils website there is no information about who to send objections to. I guess the idea is that objectors will find it too much bother, and give up.

It's worse than that. Our local council lets you subscribe to notifications - eg for speed limit changes. Every one I've queried seems to have a standard response back - "la la la la, we're not listening, we've decided what we want and we're going to do it anyway". I'm pretty sure I've asked on here before about what it actually takes to change a councils mind about proposed speed limit reductions, and I've never had a conclusive answer. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that they don't even listen to police suggestions about unrealistically low limits, so what hope has the public got? :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby fungus » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:54 pm

jont wrote:There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that they don't even listen to police suggestions about unrealistically low limits, so what hope has the public got?

There's a stretch ofD/C on the A31 towards Ringwood where the Police voiced concern that the lowering of the speed limit was not appropriate, but the limit was still lowered from 70 to 50 :roll: There seems to be a raft of lower speed limits in the pipeline for Dorset.

Incidently, the A537 & A54 (Cat & Fiddle route), much beloved by bikers, is to be covered by seven SPECS cameras allong a twelve mile stretch. I was up in Derbyshire last Spring, and they certainly have some nice driving roads spoiled by the speed limit being reduced from 60 to 50.
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Postby jont » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:58 pm

fungus wrote:Incidently, the A537 & A54 (Cat & Fiddle route), much beloved by bikers, is to be covered by seven SPECS cameras allong a twelve mile stretch. I was up in Derbyshire last Spring, and they certainly have some nice driving roads spoiled by the speed limit being reduced from 60 to 50.

I'm sure the bikers will love SPECS - aren't they frontal view only? :roll:

But yes, most of Derbyshires more major roads are pretty much all 50s now :cry:
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Postby fungus » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:02 pm

jont wrote:I'm sure the bikers will love SPECS - aren't they frontal view only?

Apparently they are set up for rear veiw. :roll:
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Postby Gromit37 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:03 am

Notts is as bad as Derbyshire. The A610 dual carriageway, approaching Junction 26 of the M1, the last couple of miles go down from NSL to 50mph, then down to 40mph. If anybody can figure out why they reduced the limit, please let me know, as I am at a loss.

The A611, just a mile or so away, has a similar problem. Wide, smooth SC, no juntions, crossings, houses or entrances... 40mph limit for about a mile. Over a roundabout, same road, same width but with a huge lay-by, entrances, a light controlled crossing with pedestrian refuge between carriageways about half way down... and it's a NSL.

The A617 is a cracking road to drive on... apart from two small villages, it's a 50mph limit all the way. Miles of it.

There is no sense. Pretty soon we'll be moving slower than the pedestrians.
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Postby PeterE » Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:03 pm

jont wrote:But yes, most of Derbyshires more major roads are pretty much all 50s now :cry:

Yes, in the Derbyshire Peak District effectively all of the single-carriageway A and B roads now have 50 limits, with the exception of the A628 over Woodhead which is still the responsibility of the Highways Agency :evil:
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Postby Gromit37 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:31 pm

There are a few interesting roads in the Peak District with that are still NSL, but getting fewer and fewer. Around the west Lincs area seems less affected, but give it time.

How long before every village/town in the country has an army of volunteer retired people equipped with speed guns and hi-viz jackets monitoring every posted speed limit?

Soon we'll have to have people walking with red flags in front of our cars, which will do wonders for the unemployment figures. Now there's an idea... that could be an election winner. I'll write to my MP and suggest it. :arrow:

Sorry... I'm a Cynical Grumpy Gromit today :evil:
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Postby PipK » Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:33 pm

Strange situation I came across with speed limits today

On this single carriageway it was at first NSL
Then there were 50MPH signs covered not just in plastic bags but something thicker so I though "Excellent, even the council know 60 is safe enough on this straight enough road and so have upped/restored the limit".

Then when coming home the opposite way, there were all these 50MPH signs still on display/not covered

So was it a prank/protest by someone? How can the limit be different in different directions? or why wouldn't the protester cover them on both sides?
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Postby michael769 » Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:02 pm

PipK wrote:
So was it a prank/protest by someone? How can the limit be different in different directions? or why wouldn't the protester cover them on both sides?

Could it be a new speed limit that has not yet come into force? It is quite common to put the signs up in advance and cover them over until the start date. Unfortunately sometimes the covers come off (or get removed by vandals) leaving a situation like this.

The other possibility is that there were roadworks which imposed an even lower limit. The permanent signs often get covered or turned round in roadworks and it is not uncommon (at least in my back yard) for the contractors to forget to restore the permanent signs when the leave.
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Postby Big Err » Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:00 pm

michael769 wrote:
PipK wrote:
So was it a prank/protest by someone? How can the limit be different in different directions? or why wouldn't the protester cover them on both sides?

Could it be a new speed limit that has not yet come into force? It is quite common to put the signs up in advance and cover them over until the start date. Unfortunately sometimes the covers come off (or get removed by vandals) leaving a situation like this.

Most likely - a practice I don't like.
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