Was it a dopey driver???

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Postby x-Sonia-x » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:41 pm

Last night I made my regular journey to London. Going out of chelmsford theres a 2-3 mile DC. It was about 8pm so not much traffic about. I was on this DC doing about 65mph, I could see a car infront in the distance and I soon was catching up with it, when I got closer I realised he was in the outside lane...and doing about 30 :shock: :shock: Now nothing was behind me at that time...but I wasnt sure what to do...I know you mustnt overtake on the left..(not sure if it is illegal or not though :? )...so I slowed right down...I didnt want to drive alongside him either, so I stayed behind...soon another car came up behind me, by this time it wasnt a problem as me were at the roundabout to join the A12, gets onto the slip road to the A12 and this driver goes into the right hand lane again...onto the A12 and out into the lane 3 :shock: :shock: ...now he either thought he was in Europe and driving on the wrong side of the road....or was dopey...either way what he was doing was clearly dangerous :twisted: :twisted: Hence I didnt wait to find out if he caused an accident. What worries me now though is should I of done anything different or like I did just left him to get on with it???
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Postby Horse » Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:06 pm

x-Sonia-x wrote: I know you mustnt overtake on the left ...soon another car came up behind me

Ah . . . 'Traffic moving in queues'? :)

http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTr ... /DG_070314

If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left
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Postby mitchr » Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:25 pm

x-Sonia-x wrote:onto the A12 and out into the lane 3 :shock: :shock: ...now he either thought he was in Europe and driving on the wrong side of the road....or was dopey...either way what he was doing was clearly dangerous :twisted: :twisted: Hence I didnt wait to find out if he caused an accident. What worries me now though is should I of done anything different or like I did just left him to get on with it???

Sounds like you dealt with the situation fine although I would have passed the guy but very carefully incase he changed lane without much warning. He didn't keep going at about 30mph once he was on lane 3 did he?

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Postby x-Sonia-x » Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:20 pm

Horse wrote:Ah . . . 'Traffic moving in queues'?

NO there was no queue...at the time it was just me and him :wink:

mitchr wrote:Sounds like you dealt with the situation fine although I would have passed the guy but very carefully incase he changed lane without much warning. He didn't keep going at about 30mph once he was on lane 3 did he?

The reason I didnt overtake him at the time is that I just couldnt see the logical reason for him firstly driving at 30mph...on a 70mph road...and secondly to be in the outside lane doing it :twisted: Well he maintained the same speed around the roundabout and on the slip road, so at a guess id say yes he did, :roll: just as you get onto the A12 it bends round to the left so I didnt see him anymore. It puzzled me though that he should move striaght across 3 lanes of traffic once he got on there. If he didnt cause an accident then he was a very lucky man :twisted:
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Postby jont » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:02 pm

x-Sonia-x wrote:
Horse wrote:Ah . . . 'Traffic moving in queues'?

NO there was no queue...at the time it was just me and him :wink:

How many slow moving cars do you need to define a queue? :wink:
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Postby Horse » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:25 pm

jont wrote:
x-Sonia-x wrote:
Horse wrote:Ah . . . 'Traffic moving in queues'?

NO there was no queue...at the time it was just me and him :wink:

How many slow moving cars do you need to define a queue? :wink:

Giving a semi-serious answer: one waiting to pass, one ahead.

However . . . I'd say the manner in which the left pass is done is probably more critical. And if heading towards a roundabout (as in the OP) then I'd hang back, take the left lane, and then pass on the entry.
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Postby ROG » Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:48 pm

Approach in right lane, get ahead of slow car using left lane and return to right lane = UNDERTAKING

Approach in right lane, get ahead of slow car using left lane and stay in left lane = PASSING
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:31 pm

ROG wrote:Approach in right lane, get ahead of slow car using left lane and return to right lane = UNDERTAKING

DOH!!!!......theres not much hope for me is there...cant even get the wording right :lol: :lol: :lol: ...although I said overtake I did mean undertake :lol: :lol:

Horse wrote:if heading towards a roundabout (as in the OP) then I'd hang back, take the left lane, and then pass on the entry.

That is exactly how I did it :D ....I run alongside him on the slip road as we were both travelling about the same speed at that time...then joining the A12 off I went and he went into the outside lane :shock:
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Postby fungus » Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:11 pm

From a distance, give a four second headlight flash if it would not affect oncoming drivers. If they still stay out, try another as you get a bit closer. If they still don't move, then what you did was probably the safest option.

Maybe the driver was reluctant to change lanes like a lady I knew a few years ago. She would drive a two mile stretch of N/S dual carriageway in the outside lane at 40mph because she was turning right at a roundabout further ahead. She seemed bemused as to why other drivers became anoyed at her. :roll:
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Postby ScoobyChris » Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:27 pm

fungus wrote:From a distance, give a four second headlight flash if it would not affect oncoming drivers. If they still stay out, try another as you get a bit closer. If they still don't move, then what you did was probably the safest option.

I'd be wary of doing this personally as it could appear to be fairly aggressive and trigger a bad reaction. I tend to favour closing to a 2-second distance and giving them a chance to move. If they don't respond, I'll use a succession of shorter flashes (say two or three) and then if still no response, will switch to lane 1, reassess the situation and then if it's steady, get passed swiftly (probably remaining in lane 1 if there's no traffic ahead). Extra caution would be required if there's traffic approaching us though as this could alter the situation significantly!

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Postby Horse » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:49 am

x-Sonia-x wrote:
Horse wrote:if heading towards a roundabout (as in the OP) then I'd hang back, take the left lane, and then pass on the entry.

That is exactly how I did it :D ....I run alongside him on the slip road as we were both travelling about the same speed at that time

TBH I wouldn't stay alongside at the same speed, instead match speed but stay offset/diagonal behind - just in case the driver 'wakes up' and decides to take the left lane without checking it's clear . . .

Then when the other car brakes (unless it's going to pile into the island . . . ), that's the time to pass, worst case is to wait right until the other driver approaches the give way line, and then accelerate firmly to pass. You'll have a wider line around the roundabout.
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Postby zadocbrown » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:33 pm

x-Sonia-x wrote:..now he either thought he was in Europe and driving on the wrong side of the road....or was dopey...

My guess is he (or she) was just being a prize prick.

A few months ago a white van (it would be...) did the same thing to me. Mile after mile of largely empty motorway staying in L3, not going very fast. Tried hanging back, tried the flash, tried filling his mirror. No reaction whatsoever. I could have passed him safely on the nearside (lane and shoulder to spare) but I just couldn't believe what I was seeing (and that doesn't happen very often :o ).

I can only think he was being deliberately obstructive. Sadly I'd left the modified DBS at home that day, so no handy red button...:twisted: :(

Thankfully that kind of extreme behaviour is rare.
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:18 am

zadocbrown wrote:My guess is he (or she) was just being a prize prick.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ...I agree, I just didnt word it like that :lol: :lol: :lol:

ScoobyChris wrote:I tend to favour closing to a 2-second distance and giving them a chance to move. If they don't respond, I'll use a succession of shorter flashes (say two or three) and then if still no response, will switch to lane 1, reassess the situation and then if it's steady, get passed swiftly (probably remaining in lane 1 if there's no traffic ahead).

see I stayed in lane 1 and I didnt consider actually moving over into lane 2 :shock: perhaps if I had and he knew I was right behind him he would of moved over :wink: ...something to consider IF it happens again :roll:
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Postby Gromit37 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:32 pm


And if the driver suddenly decides he's in the wrong lane and moves over just as you commit to going past on the left? If the speed differential is 40mph, I wouldn't *just* be assuming he's a numpty. Perhaps he can see something we can't, or maybe his engine has just started losing power and he's not sure what to do. Perhaps he is foreign and forgot momentarily, or a myriad of other possibilities. Any of which mean that just zipping past him without careful consideration could lead you in to trouble. As inconvenient as it may be, slowing down, in either lane, to assess the situation is a better idea. IMHO A flash of lights or a short toot of the horn, wait for a response... then go for it if it's clear to do so is a better bet.
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Postby Horse » Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:05 pm

Gromit37 wrote:Discodriver:

And if the driver suddenly decides he's in the wrong lane and moves over just as you commit to going past on the left? If the speed differential is 40mph , I wouldn't *just* be assuming he's a numpty.


Matching speed a few vehicle lengths back allows you a chance to suss out the vehicle and driver. If it seems at a stable speed, then select a suitable gear and go [GLF].

Committing at a significantly higher speed - much further - from much further back, reduces your safety.
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