parking ticket!!

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Postby x-Sonia-x » Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:43 pm

I got me first ever parking ticket the other day :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ....and am sooo annoyed with meself. Thing is it was in town, there is bays there and i looked for any signs for no parking and didnt see any. I had the disabled badge in the front and was only gone half hour or so.

Anyway gets back and i have this ticket on the front.....when i look right by where i had parked the car...a great big sign "Loading Bays Only"...grrrr!!!

do i have any grounds to contest it as i had my disabled mother with me....or am i better off paying it within the 14 days so at least saving some money??? :roll:
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Postby christopherwk » Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:15 am

The loading bay "sign" - was it painted on the road or on a pole? As far as I know, both are required for the ticket to be enforceable. Were there any times on the sign? Was the sign on the pole unobscured and facing the road?

e.g. This is not allowed!

and neither is this!

If possible, would you be able to go back and take some pictures of the sign (if any), and any markings on the loading bay, and post them up on here?
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Postby michael769 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:33 am

x-Sonia-x wrote:
do i have any grounds to contest it as i had my disabled mother with me....or am i better off paying it within the 14 days so at least saving some money??? :roll:

Assuming the no loading signs comply with the rules then as the disabled badge concessions do not apply where there are loading restrictions (this is explained in some detail in the leaflet that comes with the badge) you may not be able to contest it on the grounds that you were displaying a valid blue badge. If you don't have the leaflet explaining the rules the issuing council should be able to give you one as there are other gotchas in the blue badge rules.

As christopherwk suggests some local authorities are very poor about following the (admittedly quite complex) rules and not all tickets they issue are lawful - PM sent!.
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:07 pm

thanks guys, i have taken some pics this morning which i will upload...if i can :oops: :oops:
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:34 pm

can anyone please tell me how to upload photos on here :oops: :oops: thanks x
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Postby michael769 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:32 pm

x-Sonia-x wrote:can anyone please tell me how to upload photos on here :oops: :oops: thanks x

The easiest way is to upload them to something like Photobucket, and then put the URL inside img tags (there is a button to generate the tags in the reply dialog.

I'd suggest resizing the photos down to a maximum of 600px wide before you upload them, otherwise they can really mess up the thread layout in a lot of browsers.
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Postby christopherwk » Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:48 pm

I'm not sure of an easier way, but you will need to upload your photo to a photo hosting website such as or

Once uploaded to that website, there will be website address of the photo somewhere on the same page, maybe at the bottom of the uploaded photo. Highlight that address and copy it.

When you reply to this thread, paste the website address in the reply field. Highlight the website address, and click on the "Img" icon at the top, this will add "[ img ]" "[ /img ]" to the beginning and end of the photo website address.

This should add the photo to your reply.

(ah, just found out Michael has already replied! :) )
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:55 pm

ahhh thank you both xx

ive just uploaded them to will try and do it on here now!!...thank you xx
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:58 pm

here are the photos of where i parked. I parked where the white van is. I did not see the sign at the time, otherwise i would not of parked there. Here goes lol....

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Postby x-Sonia-x » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:02 pm

oh good it worked i will post the others then :) :)




there is a planning permission notice on the sign!!...i didnt notice this sign until I got back to my car....and i did look for one before I left it there :twisted: :twisted:

the other thing....there were no road markings on the road itself!
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Postby michael769 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:12 pm

x-Sonia-x wrote:
there is a planning permission notice on the sign!!...i didnt notice this sign until I got back to my car....and i did look for one before I left it there :twisted: :twisted:

the other thing....there were no road markings on the road itself!

The planning permissions is not relevant, road signs don't need planning consent! It looks like a retrospective application for a nearby business nothing to do with the parking signs.

In my opinion the signs (and nonexistent) road markings do not come close to meeting the legal requirements, so unless the DfT had given them special authorization then there is no parking restriction (nor any loading restriction) in force at the location (as such restriction are only in force when the necessary signs and makings are present and correct). It is a really weird restriction, basically taxis only at night and good vehicles only during the day, so it is no surprise that the signs are a bit non-standard, but I would expect that any Special Authorization would require road markings, as the DfT do not like to authorize signs that deviate too far from the advice in the Highway Code, for obvious reasons. TBH there are better ways to sign a restriction like this which are a lot closer to the Highway Code's advice so it would not surprise me if the council has not bothered to go through the correct legal process and is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules.

I'm not up to speed on the English appeals system (being Scottish and all) so I will resist the urge to try to advise further. The experts on a certain other forum if pointed you to will, I have no doubt, have a field day with this mess and will be able to help you through the appeals process. Good luck!
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Postby christopherwk » Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:32 pm

chriskay wrote:No road markings?? How are you supposed to know the extent of the restriction then? (Somebody with more knowledge of the regulations will be along in a minute).

Hmm, I've just been looking at Google Streetview, and further down the road, there are signs showing that you are entering a restricted area. Now I am not sure, whether road markings are required or not, since those signs are provided. :| :? ... 09.99,,0,5
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Postby gfoot » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:35 pm

I'm pretty sure yellow lines are not required in controlled zones. I think I read it in Know Your Traffic Signs (i was bored...)
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:19 pm

christopherwk wrote:Hmm, I've just been looking at Google Streetview, and further down the road, there are signs showing that you are entering a restricted area.

:oops: :oops: never noticed them before, and i use this road on a regular basis :oops: :oops:
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Postby gfoot » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:32 pm

I just looked it up again - interestingly the regulations are different for restricted zones and controlled zones, though in practice they seem to mean pretty much the same thing. In a restricted zone there may not be lines on the road or kerb but there should be repeater signs. In a controlled zone there will be yellow lines where appropriate but no repeater signs - so it's the opposite! In either case marked bays do have signs explaining their use.

I think they should just paint the damn road though, it's much clearer.
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