New ASSET cameras

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Postby ROG » Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:40 pm

Apparently we are to start getting the new ASSET cameras which, amongst other things, check for the correct following distance (tailgating)

Does anyone know if these cameras will take a still or record the last few seconds as my concern is that if they only take a still picture then a driver could be done simply because another has just cut in front of them !!

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Postby michael769 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:00 pm

ROG wrote:
Does anyone know if these cameras will take a still or record the last few seconds as my concern is that if they only take a still picture then a driver could be done simply because another has just cut in front of them !!

Unless they make tailgating an absolute fixed penalty offence, each case would need to be tried on its own merits. Under the current law the prosecution would need to provide evidence that the tailgating had gone on for some distance in order to prove to the courts satisfaction that a scenario like yours did not happen, or the more common case where you have "used up" your following space when the car in front slows, and not had time to re-establish your gap. A few seconds of video would not be sufficient! Without fixed penalties the court system would not be able to cope.

Personally I cannot see that aspect of it getting though the Home Office Type Approval. More likely they would be used to send out the "we are watching you and will sic the cops on you if you don't stop" type of letter that the Community Speed watch outfits use.
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Postby Renny » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:34 pm

Also it is reported in the Daily Mail :roll:
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Postby TiJay » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:17 pm

I thought the Tories promised no new speed cameras? And when will we end this ridiculous obsession with punishing "speed" and start concentrating on inappropriate speed...

Also, I'm not a fan of being tailgated, but how do they propose to enforce that without fining half the country? Next time you're out, count how many people you think are maintaining a safe following distance. I bet you could count it on one hand...

No problem with the MOT/tax/insurance/seatbelt stuff, sounds like a good thing.
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Postby vonhosen » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:53 pm

TiJay wrote:I thought the Tories promised no new speed cameras? And when will we end this ridiculous obsession with punishing "speed" and start concentrating on inappropriate speed...

When the resources exist enforcement will take place (speeding or any other offence).

TiJay wrote:Also, I'm not a fan of being tailgated, but how do they propose to enforce that without fining half the country? Next time you're out, count how many people you think are maintaining a safe following distance. I bet you could count it on one hand...

There will be the same cry, it's about revenue.
The larger the number prosecuted for any single offence,the more likely you are to hear that cry (whatever the offence).

TiJay wrote:No problem with the MOT/tax/insurance/seatbelt stuff, sounds like a good thing.

I've no problem with any offence in that list, or the offences above that, being dealt with.
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Postby TiJay » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:34 pm

Von: I have no problem with the tailgating enforcement either and don't really mind if it's for revenue or not, I'm just genuinely curious as to how they're going to deal with the sheer numbers caught with this. Most people do not speed past speed cameras, hence it's a relatively small number that get fined. Most cars I've seen aren't 2 seconds from the car in front...
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Postby ScoobyChris » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:47 pm

TiJay wrote:Most cars I've seen aren't 2 seconds from the car in front...

Is being less than 2 seconds "tailgating"?

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Postby exportmanuk » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:22 pm

At 60 MPH 2 seconds is 58.6 yards 176 ft or around 3 x HGVs length.

Place one of these things to monitor motorway traffic and almost everyone will get a ticket. In most cases if you leave anywhere near that amount of space you will end up dropping further and further back, as other drivers crowd into your space. At peak time on the M25 M1 M6 etc if you see 20 feet between vehicles some one will try and get into it. ( I am not saying that this is right or anything, just commenting on the driving practice I see every day)

On a more positive note I travel quite a bit and have noticed that the volume of traffic on the trunk/motorways appears to have reduced a little. Also people doing ridiculous speed on the motorways ( usually late at night in light traffic) has been reduced. Not sure why may be the price of fuel, people driving more economically :?:
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Postby TripleS » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:41 pm

vonhosen wrote:
TiJay wrote:I thought the Tories promised no new speed cameras? And when will we end this ridiculous obsession with punishing "speed" and start concentrating on inappropriate speed...

When the resources exist enforcement will take place (speeding or any other offence).

No doubt a sensible case can be made for seeking to deal with some offences fairly comprehensively, but I hope it will not be the aim that resources should be available for pursuing all offences; otherwise we'll be back to the nonsense we were getting from Brown's goverment.

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Postby Gareth » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:04 pm

exportmanuk wrote:In most cases if you leave anywhere near that amount of space you will end up dropping further and further back

If you are going forward you are only dropping further back relative to other vehicles. If this is a big concern then adjusting your attitude -- it's not a competition -- works wonders.
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Postby ROG » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:26 pm

Gareth wrote:
exportmanuk wrote:In most cases if you leave anywhere near that amount of space you will end up dropping further and further back

If you are going forward you are only dropping further back relative to other vehicles. If this is a big concern then adjusting your attitude -- it's not a competition -- works wonders.

The truth is out !!

That precise view was shown on a driving programme where the driver on the first run kept saying that she was BACKING off all the time
after a pep talk.....
On the second run she said "I am now EASING off to maintain a safety gap"

It seems that the word BACK was the problem and after the second drive she was much more relaxed - no stress
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Postby fungus » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:32 pm

I can see a problem where a driver cuts in between two vehicles that are a safe distance apart, therefore causing tailgating. If this happens within the range of one of these cameras, inocent drivers will be prosecuted for an offence that is not of their own making.
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Postby ROG » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:38 pm

fungus wrote:I can see a problem where a driver cuts in between two vehicles that are a safe distance apart, therefore causing tailgating. If this happens within the range of one of these cameras, inocent drivers will be prosecuted for an offence that is not of their own making.

That was my concern - this will only work if the last 10 seconds were recorded so as not to prosecute the wrong driver - modern technology can do this by constantly overwriting the last 10 seconds and then saving only those 10 seconds prior to any transgression
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Postby exportmanuk » Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:14 pm

ROG wrote:[
The truth is out !!

That precise view was shown on a driving programme where the driver on the first run kept saying that she was BACKING off all the time
after a pep talk.....
On the second run she said "I am now EASING off to maintain a safety gap"

It seems that the word BACK was the problem and after the second drive she was much more relaxed - no stress

Yes you are still going forward but your rear view mirror is full of a arctic that's getting too friendly with your boot and every time you ease of to gain the safety gap in front of you some other person drops in to it often to undertake the 3 + vehicle in the next lane right. And with each easing you reduce your speed then someone else thinks they can use that space so you ease again

Gone are the days when I am chasing the clock I always give my self plenty of time so I am not rushing and getting frustrated I try to maintain a steady speed( more economical and stay legal too!) but I am a realist if you are driving around in rush hour traffic you can not maintain a 2 second gap unless the speeds have dropped considerably. You may become more vulnerable through trying. You have to keep the best gap you can and make sure you know what is going on around you. Especially as far in front as you can see.
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Postby jcochrane » Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:33 pm

I don't usually experience a problem in maintaining the speed limit and a 2 second gap, or more, even in heavy traffic but I do tend to remain in lane 1 unless overtaking. In fact as traffic density builds so lane 1 often becomes the most progressive and safe lane. :D If things get really bad, even in lane 1, I turn off the motorway for some "fun" driving down the country lanes. :wink:
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