Big Roundabout Rules

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Postby Adamantus » Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:24 pm

I've been driving for about 8years now and I'm embarrased to say that I don't know all the rules of roundabouts. I know how to go left, straight on, right just fine but many of the roundabouts you see have an atypical setup. I have two problems with this:

1) There's a roundabout near me where I need to go straight on but there are two exit lanes. I need to be in the right one when exiting. Up until now I've been content to go straight on, going around the outside of the roundabout in the left lane (usual) and then exiting in the right lane. But I've noticed that others around me following me through but using the right lane to go straight on and exiting in the right lane as well.

2) I have a much larger roundabout near me, (Kingston Park, Newcastle) and it has about 5 lanes to it on the approach. I just try and follow the arrows to get from my lane to get to Kingston Park (straight on). Kingston Park has 2 lanes to get to it. After going around the roundabout I find my car in in between the 2 lanes, but if I choose the right one I get drivers leaning on horns when I don't see what I did. It would be nice if I could find literature to explain bigger roundabouts because all I can find explains "textbook" roundabouts: left, right, straight on types.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Flexibase » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:34 pm

Have you tried an Advanced Driving Course? That should cover it.
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:37 pm

There are many many configurations of roundabouts and it's not always possible to get it right all of the time. However if you drive it regularly, you should be able to see how most other road users treat the route you're taking, and conform to the norm, which in some cases is as important as following any strict rule.

Some observations on your post:

1. If you need to exit in the r/h lane going straight across, going round in the l/h lane may be a bad idea. At some point you're going to cross the path of people coming from your right. Either exit in the l/h lane and look to move to the right later, or do as those around you are doing, and use the r/h lane all the way round. Remember the H/C says you can use either lane on approach unless there are specific markings to the contrary.

2. In the case of the 5 lane roundabout I'd be very surprised if there weren't lane markings to guide you, but if not, it sounds as if you need to be in lane 2 or 3, depending on how many exits precede yours, and how many follow it, and how many lanes they have. If you end up "between lanes" it is probably just poor lane marking on the roundabout. You'd have to choose the lane of least resistance, based on experience from previous encounters.

3. Signal in plenty of time but not too early that you confuse people into thinking you're exiting earlier than you really are. Look all around you. Try not to be next to someone else when you want to exit from the roundabout - hang back if necessary. If you have to move into a gap in the traffic, signal, wait, and acknowledge the person who lets you into the gap.

Looking on Google maps, I think you mean here, approaching from 5 o'clock and leaving at 12 o'clock. The lane markings seem to suggest you should approach in lane 3 or 4, take lane 2 between the A1 exit and the A696, then transition to lane 1 as you exit towards Kingston Park. However, as you then need to be in lane 2 on the exit itself, I can see that that would be difficult in heavy traffic. So it's a balancing act. Sometimes you may be able to ignore the lane markings and use one lane further right, exiting from lane 2 on the roundabout to lane 2 on the exit, at other times you may have to be more discreet and use lane 1 to exit, then signalling and moving right once off the roundabout.
Last edited by Mr Cholmondeley-Warner on Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jont » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:39 pm

I think Mr C-W has covered most things, but also remember Stressed Dave's rule about roundabouts - never go around with anyone else.
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:42 pm

jont wrote:I think Mr C-W has covered most things, but also remember Stressed Dave's rule about roundabouts - never go around with anyone else.

I think I covered that in point 3. and woe betide you when the other Dave finds out you've misattributed his roundabout rule!
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Postby zadocbrown » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:43 pm

What David said.


1) In this situation it is usually preferable to take the right hand lane on the approach to the roundabout, as there could be 2 streams of traffic both going ahead, and you don't want to barge accross in front of someone at the last minute.

2) Hard to know without a picture - can you give a link? Sometimes the layout at complex roundabouts is a bit cramped - use your mirrors, avoid getting alongside other vehicles if possible, and remember it's more important to avoid conflict than to follow a prescribed course.
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Postby zadocbrown » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:57 pm

I looked at Mr CWs link. If that's the one it seems possible that other drivers are ignoring the (advisory) lane markings and exiting from lane 2. In that case you can:

a) Join them - but watch out for others doing what you currently do
b) Exit into the left hand lane and move over later when it is safe to do so (it looks like there's enough distance before the next roundabout
c) Make extra careful use of mirrors. If it is clearly safe exit from L1 of the roundabout into L2 of the new road. If you are not sure proceed as in b (above)

I would probably do C.
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Postby Adamantus » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:09 pm

All really helpful. Bang on with the map, that was exactly it.

[url] ... 00142&z=20[/url]

As you can see here, the one labelled Kpark with the multi-coloured bus in it. Follow it around following Kpark and you end up going to bank foot! You have to switch to the right as mentioned to get to Kingston Park. So I used to keep following to Kpark but ended up with some git blowing his horn at me. I just use the one on it's right now.
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Postby 7db » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:26 pm

Mr Cholmondeley-Warner wrote:
jont wrote:I think Mr C-W has covered most things, but also remember Stressed Dave's rule about roundabouts - never go around with anyone else.

I think I covered that in point 3. and woe betide you when the other Dave finds out you've misattributed his roundabout rule!

If you mean me, it's not mine, it's his. Definitely Dave's roundabout maxim number one.
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Postby Adamantus » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:29 pm

Every topic I start seems to result in in-fighting today. :roll:
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Postby martine » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:41 pm

Welcome Adamantus!

Adamantus wrote:Every topic I start seems to result in in-fighting today. :roll:

Nah...don't worry...friendly banter is encouraged here and it rarely gets out of hand...we're a pleasant, grown-up bunch (TripleS excepted :wink: ).
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:56 pm

7db wrote:
Mr Cholmondeley-Warner wrote:
jont wrote:I think Mr C-W has covered most things, but also remember Stressed Dave's rule about roundabouts - never go around with anyone else.

I think I covered that in point 3. and woe betide you when the other Dave finds out you've misattributed his roundabout rule!

If you mean me, it's not mine, it's his. Definitely Dave's roundabout maxim number one.

Ah, right. As you were ... :oops:
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Postby Gromit37 » Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:48 am

martine wrote:Welcome Adamantus!

Adamantus wrote:Every topic I start seems to result in in-fighting today. :roll:

...we're a pleasant, grown-up bunch (TripleS excepted :wink: ).

I take offence at being labelled as such. I'm firmly on TripleS's side of the fence... except I'm not as pleasant as he is! :lol:
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Postby 7db » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:56 am

Adamantus wrote:Every topic I start seems to result in in-fighting today. :roll:

No it doesn't. :twisted:
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Postby Big Err » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:57 am

7db wrote:
Adamantus wrote:Every topic I start seems to result in in-fighting today. :roll:

No it doesn't. :twisted:

Oh yes it does! :lol:

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