Merging for Lane Closures

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Postby Big Err » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:02 pm

Probably discussed well in the past, so sorry. But isn't it annoying that when approaching a lane closure on a two lane dual carriageway most folk form a nice queue in one lane instead of using both lanes, therefore almost doubling the length of the queue. Isn't it even better when a good 800yds plus from the closure a driver, usually in an articulated HGV bulk tipper (sorry for the stereotype) occupies lane two to prevent anyone from following the highway code advice of merging at the taper.

Such a driver was doing a lovely job on the approach to a jack-knifed heavy on the M90 here today. Ahead of him in lane 1 were trucks on an uphill incline that were struggling to maintain grip and in need of a dose of grit/salt for traction.

Can you guess where the gritter was? Yep, held up in lane 2 about four vehicles behind the bulk tipper truck.
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Postby PeterE » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:17 pm

Arguably such drivers should be prosecuted for obstruction :twisted:
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Postby GJD » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:19 pm

Very annoying indeed, I agree.

But on the other hand, you can very occasionally benefit. Some time ago, I think on the M4, I passed a sign indicating a lane closure ahead. No further information and no indication how far ahead - but all 3 lanes were certainly open as far as I could see. I continued in lane 3 looking for the closure, while lanes 2 and 1 merged themselves into a stationary queue regardless. Eventually, still in lane 3, I saw the end of the queue ahead in lane 1 and no lane closure. With every intention of politely merging when the need arose, I had gently sailed past about half a mile of stationary vehicles in lane 1 who were all waiting for nothing. I have to admit to chuckling just a bit...
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Postby TripleS » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:38 pm

PeterE wrote:Arguably such drivers should be prosecuted for obstruction :twisted:

I totally agree, Peter.

The highways people ought to make more use of signs like "Use both lanes then merge in turn."

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Postby crr003 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:58 pm

TripleS wrote:The highways people ought to make more use of signs like "Use both lanes then merge in turn."

Which will make absolutely zero difference to the driving style.
Even if other drivers notice the sign.
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Postby TripleS » Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:41 pm

crr003 wrote:
TripleS wrote:The highways people ought to make more use of signs like "Use both lanes then merge in turn."

Which will make absolutely zero difference to the driving style.
Even if other drivers notice the sign.

'Zero difference?' I don't think you are right about that. It seems to me a sensible message, but maybe you have a better proposal. :roll:

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Postby Octy_Ross » Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:03 pm

I can understand the frustration of being in a lane that's moving *slowly* and being passed by others in another lane that's moving *quickly*. I do think the 2 queues and merging approach is better and perhaps if we could get people to do as the stressed one demands and "leave their ego's at home" this system would work.


People don't. The bring their ego into the car and decide that "he's not getting past me" and then drive much like a menace.

I'm looking forward to the day when I'm allowed to attach Bond style gadgets to my car, such that I can vaporise the next idiot who gets in my way. I think a ray gun would be best.
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Postby ROG » Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:11 pm

The - use both lanes - followed by - merge in turn - works very well in all places that I have seen it well signed in advance

Those deliberately blocking free flowing lanes are causing an obstruction which is prosecutable
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Postby crr003 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:06 pm

ROG wrote:The - use both lanes - followed by - merge in turn - works very well in all places that I have seen it well signed in advance

It's nice to see you've had a positive experience.

Not a "merge in turn" example, but. M56 recently closed at J9 eastbound while a new bridge was being installed at J7.
Big orange signs indicating that the three lanes present between J10 and 9 would be continuing off at J9 (hard shoulder was used as a running lane).
So what does "everybody" do. They get into lane 1. Cue massive queues.

Signs. Wasted on the masses. But always a source of vibrant discussion (see any PH matrix sign rant).
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Postby TripleS » Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:29 pm

ROG wrote:The - use both lanes - followed by - merge in turn - works very well in all places that I have seen it well signed in advance

Those deliberately blocking free flowing lanes are causing an obstruction which is prosecutable

Yes, I've seen it work quite well.

Just because something doesn't yield a complete answer to a problem is no reason for dismissing it totally.

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