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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:37 pm
by jont
Hi, I'm Jon. I recently found this site while googling on advanved driving. Looks like a fantastic resource.

I've been thinking for a while that it wouldn't hurt to find out how to be a better driver as it's easy to get complacent that your standards are okay. While I'd heard of the IAM before, I hadn't come across RoADA or HPC. Even better I've got a place on the HPC young persons course this weekend - so I might meet some of you there (I scrape into being under 26 by 2 weeks!). I look forward to seeing some of the skills described on here being put into practice - reading about them is all well and good, but you can't beat a real life example to explain things properly.

The entry requirements (ie course cost!) for HPC look prohibitive for me at the moment, but I'd be interesting hearing opinions (by PM if necessary ;)) of groups near Bristol for RoADA and IAM (hopefully without igniting a debate on which one is "bettter" :roll:). As I understand it it's often the availability and knowledge of the individual observers who make the biggest difference as both are fundamentally applying the same principles.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:41 pm
by vonhosen
Welcome Jont

We have some Bristolians here so I'm sure you'll get a response.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:50 pm
by TripleS
Hello Jon - welcome to ADUK.

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:43 pm
by Darren
Welcome aboard Jon,

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:52 pm
by Rick
Welcome, i hope you enjoy the young drivers day, i'm sure you will :D

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:23 pm
by PeteG
Hullo John. :D

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:48 pm
by Nigel
hello John

Martine hasn't appeared yet, and he's one of the Bristol guys.

IAM Bristol group :

(its listed on that page), I must ask Martin for permission to use his number on here

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:02 pm
by rlmr
Hi Jon,

This is one of the best sites for Advanced Driving material... even if folk like me stir the sh*t at times :wink: . I hope you enjoy participating and enjoy your driving :) .


Re: Newbie

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:12 pm
by waremark
jont wrote:The entry requirements (ie course cost!) for HPC look prohibitive for me at the moment, but I'd be interesting hearing opinions (by PM if necessary ;)) of groups near Bristol for RoADA and IAM (hopefully without igniting a debate on which one is "bettter" :roll:). As I understand it it's often the availability and knowledge of the individual observers who make the biggest difference as both are fundamentally applying the same principles.


Jon, you are spot on about this.

Re: Newbie

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:34 am
by rlmr
jont wrote:As I understand it it's often the availability and knowledge of the individual observers who make the biggest difference as both are fundamentally applying the same principles.

I am afraid so... just reflects life... some folk are better at imparting information than others. But both IAM & RoSPA Groups should have a system in place whereby they QA their own Observers to ensure standards are kept high. You should find either organisation of benefit to you.. ask around locally and see which one gets the best name.


Re: Newbie

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:05 pm
by martine
jont wrote:The entry requirements (ie course cost!) for HPC look prohibitive for me at the moment, but I'd be interesting hearing opinions (by PM if necessary ;)) of groups near Bristol for RoADA and IAM (hopefully without igniting a debate on which one is "bettter" :roll:). As I understand it it's often the availability and knowledge of the individual observers who make the biggest difference as both are fundamentally applying the same principles.


Hi Jon and welcome! Sorry for my rather belated reply but I've been on hols until yesterday. As Nigel mentioned I am from the Bristol group of the IAM and can arrange for an info pack to be sent to you if you wish. You can also of course pm me or if you prefer phone (I've pm my number) and I can tell you more about our associate courses....basically we run 4 courses per year with around 30 on each - the next one is in October.

Look forward to hearing from you.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:39 am
by twistyfing
I'm in Bristol too - Welcome :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:48 pm
by 7db
Hi Jon. Grew up in Bristol, but escaped...