ITV 'Tonight' - driving documentary

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Postby martine » Mon May 19, 2014 1:34 pm

I missed this when it was shown on TV recently - if you did as well, it's available on ITV player for a while...

Actually quite good program in my view...nice to see Quintin Wilson again speaking sense and a not bad effort from the IAM's Peter Rodger as well (would have been better to get someone a little younger perhaps?).
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Postby daz6215 » Mon May 19, 2014 5:44 pm

There is no deterrent anymore, the roads aren't policed enough by the right type of enforcement, i.e. a traffic officer!
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Postby daz6215 » Mon May 19, 2014 6:16 pm

Having just watched the programme they really did miss a trick with the higher levels of the GDE matrix, there could have been much more analysis of why people find driving stressful and measures they could take to avoid making the incorrect decision. I did find it amusing to see the officer driving the LGV using his airwaves to communicate to the other vehicle (legal yes but moral ???) especially when they stop someone for holding a mobile phone, they might want to think about public perception a bit more!
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Postby skodatezzer » Mon May 19, 2014 7:19 pm

Maybe a shame that they didn't put in a plug for AD training while they were at it. At least those with an AD qualification have an empirical knowledge of their standard, rather than the "I'm a brilliant driver, me" attitude. Those of us who are - oh, all right, obsessive - willingly submit ourselves to further assessment and training. Might have been fun if the 3 "guinea-pigs" had been persuaded to do an IAM or ROADAR - mightn't make the most riveting telly though, I suppose.
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