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38 and desperately wanting to drive.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:33 am
by Theresa1234
Am really losing my nerve.......It seems either u learn straight out of school or not at all these days. Can an old dog be taught new tricks???

Re: 38 and desperately wanting to drive.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:03 am
by Laurence Jacquemin
You can learn to drive at any age you want.

At the moment I am teaching 4 or 5 more 'mature' pupils ranging from ages 30-50, male and female. Also for about 2 years I taught a 70 year old lady who had a provisional licence, unfortunately she never was going to be capable to drive on her own and we only really drove to her an activity to do.

Some people gain more self-confidence with age and are better equipped to deal with learning to drive, as they have build up coping strategies to deal with nerves. Others find it harder at an older age as they fully appreciate the risks of driving, unlike a 17 year old who brain is not fully developed and may not fully appreciate risk.