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Postby jibberjabber25 » Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:23 pm

hpcdriver wrote:JJ, is this your *first associate just about to take his test? If so, fantastic, it is a good achievement at any age, and you should be really proud of getting there while young.

If you are anything like me, you will be as nervous as your associate about the result of the test! I am still nervous on my associates test days even after many years of observing.

Yes it is my first associate about to take his test, well, I wouldn't say "about" to, as in it'll be a few weeks yet or a few fortnights depending on how frequent the drives are to be in future.

Oh really. I don't know really. The test doesn't seem looming too much at the moment, I'm just concentrating on each drive at a time at the moment. This keeps me comfortable as I am not taking on too much thinking about all these drives, etc, etc, thus overloading me.

Thank you for your comments.
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Postby crr003 » Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:33 pm

GS wrote:..That way they would know how individual examiners conduct the test and get to know better what each examiner's 'pet hates' are.

We have an Observers' Meeting (only once a year) where the Examiner(s) come in and chat about things they expect to see, any trends over the year etc.
I seem to remember they didn't like straightening last year. I wonder what this year will bring.
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Postby GS » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:17 pm

A lot of what examiners like and dislike depends upon their training. Different driving schools can have slightly different interpretations of Roadcraft. An examiner can only compare what they see on test to what they have been taught and their own interpretations. I think that it is accepted that not all driving schools train to the same standard and (drops pebble into pool) standards have changed over the years. Obviously the Staff Examiners try to make sure that all examiners examine to the same standards, but this is not easy. I have no problems at all with a candidate straightening the road PROVIDING IT IS SAFE, LEGAL, APPROPRIATE AND BENEFICIAL. I also have to say that it is rarely beneficial on test routes I use.
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:24 pm

Ooh yes, my trainee blog!

I forgot about this for a while, so it's been 6 months since it's been updated! :shock:

Anyway, a lot/not a lot has happened in the last 6 months depending on how you look at it:
  • My first associate PASSED his test in March. :D Yes, I was nervous as you said I would be! :lol:
  • Got another associate, wasted my time never produced his documents wasting 3 of my weekends waiting for him... was a NO SHOW! (so that was April wasted!)
  • Got ANOTHER associate in May who I'm on the 3rd run with and is making good progress

After this associate I will be qualified after doing a written test or something (I have been told). Fingers X! :wink:
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Postby martine » Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:05 pm

jibberjabber25 wrote: My first associate PASSED his test in March. :D Yes, I was nervous as you said I would be! :lol:

Well done - it's a good feeling isn't it.

jibberjabber25 wrote:Got another associate, wasted my time never produced his documents wasting 3 of my weekends waiting for him... was a NO SHOW! (so that was April wasted!)

Yes it happens...shame really...over the last 5 years I've had a few who go for several drives and then start making excuses - I always wonder if it's me but it's fairly common. I guess advanced driving as taught by the IAM, isn't what everyone is expecting. We do try to be up-front but sometimes I'm sure we don't describe what's involved well enough before they sign-up.

Are you enjoying being an Observer? Do you do the same pattern of drives for each associate or flex. them to suit?
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Postby MGF » Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:14 pm

My group doesn't allocate an associate with an observer. Everyone just turns up once a fortnight and the associates are paired-up with a different observer each time, then a different senior observer each time.

This means no one individual is involved in the associates 'training'. Although there are benfits to having some variation in observers this method, although effective, undermines a sense of pride in the 'job'.
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Postby martine » Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:21 pm

MGF wrote:My group doesn't allocate an associate with an observer. Everyone just turns up once a fortnight and the associates are paired-up with a different observer each time, then a different senior observer each time.

This means no one individual is involved in the associates 'training'. Although there are benfits to having some variation in observers this method, although effective, undermines a sense of pride in the 'job'.

I think there are advantages to both approaches.

My group does 4 fixed courses per year starting with 2 classroom sessions and then the associates get allocated an observer. 6 weeks later the 3rd classroom session is a 'meet an examiner' who describes what he's looking for and answers questions.

The observer normally takes the same associate all the way to test readiness and is then cross-checked by another Obs to pick up any missed faults and also get the associate used to a 'stranger' sitting next to them. I like this system but the downsides are:
* any personality clashes have to be resolved by changing Obs
* same Obs all the time means they may miss important faults
* too easy to fall into the 'friendly, chatty drive' mode rather than learning environment

It does mean of course as you pointed out, you do get a nice warm feeling when 'your' associates passes.
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:33 pm

Oh yes, great feeling!

I have to say I like the 1 observer to 1 associate approach.

I wouldn't have liked to have a different observer for each drive when I was an associate, and as an observer I would find it odd to see a new face every run. Would be like being an examiner I suppose.

Thanks for your comments Martin.

I really enjoy observing! It helps me (naturally shy person) to come out of my shell and feel like I'm achieving something (if you know what I mean) without being a show-off or complacent in any way. Also of course I enjoy seeing someone's driving improve as they become more confident, systematic, safer and smoother.

Generally the first run is quite a "non-demanding" route, so generally for the first run I avoid motorways. Then after, based on the performance on the first run, I choose what needs to be introduced next. If roundabouts are an issue, a run to Harlow (roundabout Town!) is in order next.

All other runs contain a mixture of motorways, dual carriageways, single carriageways, country driving and town driving. Some are more biased towards country and some to motorways. Unfortunately since I live in Tottenham, to get out to the country or even motorways some town driving is required, so I can't really control this.

So in a nutshell: my routes are the same for each associate, but the order in which they are chosen is different to suit the particular associate.

Hope that explains it, if it doesn't please let me know. ;)

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Postby jibberjabber25 » Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:43 am

Just an update. My second associate is taking their actual test this morning (after 6 months [many breaks in drives, failed mock test, etc.]).

Once this associate has PASSED, I can finally take my national observer exam to become qualified! YAY!

I am starting with my 3rd associate next week. :)
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:47 pm

Well, my 2nd associate has PASSED! :D

Roll on the observer exams! :)
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Postby ROG » Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:34 pm

jibberjabber25 wrote:Well, my 2nd associate has PASSED! :D

Roll on the observer exams! :)

It's a great feeling aint it :) - I still get the same feeling after 10 years and over 80 associate passes.
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Postby martine » Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:30 am

Well done JJ!
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:51 pm

Thank you very much guys. :)
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:30 am

Fully qualified as of yesterday!

YAYYY I'm a qualified observer. :D :D :D

Very happy man here. LOL
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Postby Porker » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:46 am

Congratulations JJ - very well done.

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