Almost hit a pedestrian...

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Postby martine » Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:52 pm

So yesterday I had a shock...I almost hit a pedestrian...if I had, it would have been very slow but that could still have resulted in a broken bones as these earthlings are rather fragile I understand.

I was waiting at a mini roundabout with an exit to the left and one to the right (no straight on) t-roundabout if you like.

map here

I'm looking for a gap in the traffic to my right (continous stream) and then spot a gap so...just started to lift the clutch to gently move forward whilst simultaneously checking left to make sure any traffic to my left was giving way...and I came within inches of hitting a jogger who was running across in front of my car.

In actual fact I moved about 6 inches, jumped (heart missed beat, soiled underpants etc) and immediately stopped by which time the runner had cleared - but it was soooo close!

Obviously I shall be more aware in future but I really didn't expect a jogger to cross the road at the head of a queue onto a roundabout. It was dark as well (in my defence m'lord).

It suprised me and I wondered if anyone had any comments?

If I had have hit him, what's the legal situation with pedestrians crossing in this situation?
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
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Postby TripleS » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:53 pm

Hello, Martin,

I don't know the legal position in this sort of case, but no harm was done so I wouldn't worry too much. Even so, it just goes to show that there's always the possibility of something catching us out, but it adds a bit more to the experience we can draw on for the future, so it's helpful in that respect.

Any incident like that is a bit of a shock, especially when we always try to keep everything under good solid control, so I can understand how you feel.

I sometimes get the impression that joggers, and cyclists for that matter, simply do not want to stop and take their turn in relation to what other road users are doing. They seem to want to carry on and find a way through - such as cyclists often do at red lights - and they expect others to accommodate them as necessary, especially those in charge of mechanically propelled transport. It's not logical or reasonable as far as I can see, but that's the way they seem to approach it.

Walking and jogging is good. Cycling is good. Driving cars is very bad, apparently!

Best wishes all,
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Postby Porker » Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:10 pm


Doubtless, if the truth be told, we've all had similar occasions in our driving history.

It's just something new to add to the list of "things that can catch you out".

I wouldn't like to call it from a legal standpoint.

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Postby 7db » Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:41 pm

Legally it's simple. The giveway line at the entrance to the roundabout you shall not cross so as to endanger any other road user. I assume that includes people tearing along the dotted line. Furthermore you were stationary when he passed in front of you.

I took a bloke's shoe off once. No damage at all to his foot. Simply didn't expect him to leave his leg in the road when I was bimbling down it, and didn't give him enough berth. I can't imagine a nearer miss. :)

Chalk it up to experience.
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Postby manilva15b » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:01 am

I have had this experience in Spain too, in broad daylight.

After a bit of calm analysis after the event (at the time is was very shocked), I realised that I hadn't seen the pedestrian because I couldn't see him through the massive A-pillar on the car. I've since change my observations where there's a risk of this happening by moving my head forwards to look around the A-pillar.
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