Which annoys you the most?

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Which annoys you the most?

Fog lights on in good viz
Deliberate cutting in
No indicators on roundabout
Other - please specify
Total votes : 35

Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:57 am

The REALLY annoying mobile phone users are the ones in the REALLY expensive cars. So you could afford a hundred grand car to show off in, tosser, but you couldn't afford another hundred pounds for a hands free kit. Impressed, not! :P
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Mr Cholmondeley-Warner
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Postby waremark » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:02 pm

Guys with £100k cars almost always have several cars - and change their phones very often. Each car probably has a hands free kit for the phone they had when they bought the car - cost £500 ish in a BM or Merc. They don't want the interior of the car to be mucked up with an aftermarket kit.

Personally, I have a very old and boring phone because it was one of only three that was Bluetooth compatible with two different cars.

I think the mobile phone legislation was completely misguided - it made everyone go out and get hands-free kits, and made them think it was fine to use the phone on the move so long as it was hands free. I think the research shows that a hands-free phone is almost as distracting as a handheld one.

So the right thing to do is not to use the phone on the move - but I am afraid I do not do the right thing.
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