Opinions on the use of dashcams?

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Postby chrisl » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:18 pm

Hi, I'm new here and just introduced myself in the appropriate forum.

I'm looking to get a dashcam fitted, and wondered what your opinions are from the advanced driver perspective? I've got my eye on either the Mini 0806 or possibly to get a professionally fitted pair of Blackvues.

However, I'm more concerned here with any unanticipated side effects of having a dashcam. I'm wondering if they might beneficially increase one's confidence or perhaps negatively tempt one to feel holier-than-thou. Or perhaps some other reaction?

My intended purpose in obtaining one is to add a further string to the defensive driving bow (rather than share examples of cock-ups or shameful incidents). I feel it almost inevitable that I'll be involved in an incident at some point no matter how skilled at observation I eventually become, and that sense has increased since I've been deliberately aiming for advanced driver recognition - I imagine that is perhaps the one negative side effect of practicing better observation! I'm sure my own confidence as a driver has improved, just maybe not at the same rate!

Anyway I look forward to reading your opinions.

Thank you.

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Postby martine » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:39 pm

Hi Chris and welcome.

I think the very fact you are aware of the 'over-confidence' issue means you are less likely to fall into the trap.

I guess there's 2 good reasons for having dash-cams:
[list=][*]driver improvement[*]evidence for disputed insurance claims[/list]

It's down to you and your personality really to decide if it's a good idea.

I can't recommend any specific ones I'm afraid but I'd be interested in other's views.
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Postby akirk » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:40 pm

I have mixed views - I own an 803 (I think!) and it is very good - but it is not hard wired yet, so only on occasionally... I don't like the feeling of a blame culture which this helps foster where it is always someone else's fault - but equally can understand why there are times when the footage is of use... however Advanced Driving should hopefully mean that you do avoid accidents so have less need...

does it change my driving - no, not a bit, can't see why it would other than perhaps being cautious about what you record yourself doing - so arguably one might be less inclined to speed / drive badly if that was one's habit etc...

to be honest I don't think they have anything to do with driving at all - their purpose is to gain footage - either for personal record (e.g. track days) or to 'prove a point' if you are not doing that then I fail to see their purpose... I don't think they aid defensive driving at all

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Postby trashbat » Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:00 pm

akirk wrote:does it change my driving - no, not a bit, can't see why it would other than perhaps being cautious about what you record yourself doing - so arguably one might be less inclined to speed / drive badly if that was one's habit etc...

I might have said this before, but I think especially if you subscribe to the upload-your-life-to-the-Internet model, even subconsciously, then the act of filming your travels can change your driving.

There are lots of YouTube clips put there by cyclists, and to a lesser extent motorbike riders and car drivers, where the filming parties have got into all kinds of avoidable incidents, and/or ones that didn't need to escalate to where they did.

I can't help feeling that, had these sort of things happened off-camera on some lonely road, the filming party might have been a lot more proactively defensive and/or coy, even if their complaint was legitimate.

I don't necessarily mean it's a case of, 'this will look great on YouTube', but I'm sure that happens. Even if it's just a background thought of, 'well, if an accident happens, I will be able to show it's not my fault', can potentially alter your attitudes to risk.
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Postby akirk » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:52 pm

Fair point - however for someone with advanced driver skills etc. I would hope that is not the case... for someone with that character - there might be reasons why things would have escalted anyway - i.e. it is perhaps a character issue, not the presence of the dashcam that causes the issues...

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Postby chrisl » Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:56 pm

Thank you all for your observations - an interesting mix of views! I think an awareness of the possible different behavioural changes is the first step towards mitigating them. I think one must also accept that a recording device is going to capture the best and worst of one's own driving also and so I agree it could also be a useful tool for self-reflection, which I hadn't really considered before.

Certainly the temptation to allow a "situation" to develop just to capture footage is one to be avoided.

Plenty to reflect upon!
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Postby TripleS » Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:12 am

I have occasionally been tempted to get a dashcam, but have not done so yet. The objective in having such a device would mainly be for the purpose of being able to review my own driving from the passenger seat, so to speak, and see what I make of it. That seems to offer an additional way of seeing where improvements can be made, but I certainly have no interest in recording the mistakes of others: I'm fully occupied in trying to minimise my own!
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Postby waremark » Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:55 am

I have watched footage of my own driving. It is very dull. For me, the only benefit would be to help resolve any dispute following an incident. The negative would be the likelihood of recording myself doing something by which I would be embarrassed. I have not felt like getting one.
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Postby Kimosabe » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:37 pm

The guy whose video reviews you want to trawl, are those of TECHMOAN on youtube. He field tests most of what is available and as a result of his findings, I bought two dashcams.

I have removable dashcams in both of my cars. Roadhawk from (http://www.dogcamsport.co.uk/drive-recorders.html) has a GPS mapping facility which allows me to review a route, speeds and of course, 1080p HD footage. The other is far more basic, though in many ways far more versatile due to its size and inconspicuous design. The former fits onto a purpose made bracket which sits behind my rear-view mirror and cannot be seen from inside the car as the wiring is hidden, or outside as it looks like a part of the rear view assembly. The latter is about the size of a matchbox/ zippo lighter and can be carried around on a keyring or fixed in the car in any nuber of ways. This one (Mobius) has a motion sensing facility, so works even when the car is parked overnight.....foxes set it off :roll: but if the car is left somewhere like a public car park or hotel car park, it more than pays for itself.

In so far as my thoughts on dashcams go, as always, it depends. In the event of an incident or accident, where hints and allegations... can lead to a dispute, they are invaluable. However, don't quote me on this but in such an event, i'd imagine the footage could also be seized and used as evidence, so if you are prone to moderately and safely exceeding B road limits, you might come unstuck. Not that i'd know anything about any of that though 8)

As Waremark says, the footage does get pretty boring after a while, though I will say that it helped me when taking my IAM test because it allowed me to review and reconsider things i'd done while out on a practice drive.... and there were lots of them! It's only when you don't have it in the car and something interesting happens (a deer hurdling the bonnet of the car infront of me once) that you'd wish you had one. I once helped the Police to track an elderly gentleman on a mobility scooter, who had somehow made his way onto the entry slip from the A27-A23. He was also going the wrong way up the slip road on a tightening bend. He was picked up by the fuzz and taken to safety. All of this was captured on my Roadhawk, which not only gave exact GPS coordinates (better than saying "somewhere up the A27 near Brighton") but also a time and date stamp should it be required as evidence in the event of an accident.

So you see, it's a mixed bag. I haven't used the roadhawk in ages and it currently lives in it's box but it serves a purpose. Both use SD cards and come with 12v adapters and AV leads etc.

Hope this helps
A wise man once told me that "it depends". I sometimes agree.
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Postby Tdcist » Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:46 pm

I have a Transcend DrivePro front facing camera. Great little thing, screen on the back, Built In Wifi, Iphone App, cant complain for £80 on Amazon.

I use it for 3 things, 1) Self Assessment, Looking back at my advanced driving sessions and improving my commentary/drive as I need to. 2) Insurance Purposes, in case someone disputes that they were at fault, or indeed if I am to blame! and 3) to have a good old giggle with the mates at some other shocking driving that goes on!!

I recently had someone drive towards me the wrong way onto a roundabout on a one-way street... I saved that clip to show people that you should always expect the unexpected!! Luckily I had been ADing for a little and put myself in a position where I had a safe gap to my left I could use to negotiate round them.
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