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Postby jibberjabber25 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:10 pm

crr003 wrote:
jibberjabber25 wrote:I feel that I have been attacked for my simple reply which is not on..

What's not on - advanced driving wise - is you having to wait four months for an observer!

And I know my group gives a £10 discount for under 25s. (Makes it £65 total).

What part of the country are you in? If you're close by I'll take you out for an observed run if that helps.

Many thanks crr003. I am in Tottenham, London.

That's very nice of you to offer crr003, even if you might not be close by.

Thanks again. :) You more than made up for the last post aimed at me.
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Postby crr003 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:32 pm

jibberjabber25 wrote:That's very nice of you to offer crr003, even if you might not be close by.

Umm, OK - that's about 220 miles! If you get a passport and innoculations, and you're up Cheshire way, let me know!
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Postby Nigel » Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:53 pm


Calm down...its only a forum.

I thought I made it very clear I wasn't having a go at you, I wanted the point of view of a young associate, then gave my opinion as a middle aged observer, asking what you thought of my responses towards people of your age group.

I wanted your responses to my middle aged outlook, not a sulk about I'm picking on you !

Postby MikeG » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:22 pm

Yes , calm down Jibber. Sit down, take deep breathes put your dummy back in :lol: :lol: No seriously I can see where you're coming from. You're waiting for an observer and I've been waiting months for an associate but thats life, just hang in there.

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Postby jibberjabber25 » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:57 pm

Nigel wrote:Jibber

Calm down...its only a forum.

I thought I made it very clear I wasn't having a go at you, I wanted the point of view of a young associate, then gave my opinion as a middle aged observer, asking what you thought of my responses towards people of your age group.

I wanted your responses to my middle aged outlook, not a sulk about I'm picking on you !

Oh, in that case I apologise. I must've misread? Image

I thought you were aiming your post at me directly, as in I am bad mannered, I am ungrateful, I want everything now...etc.

Since you wanted my response to your middle aged outlook, I would say that I do not like your middle aged outlook...there... 8)

EDIT: I have checked back through your initial post Nigel and I see that you have written that that is "your opinion". I feel that you were not clear whether you meant it was your opinion of me personally, or of my age group, so I believe I responded to your questions as a personal attack. I am still not happy that you have that opinion of those in my age group. My friends cannot be described in the same light that you described with your listing of "what teenagers spend/want" but then again myself and my friends are not your typical teenagers. None of us drink alcohol, as one example.

At the same time, I understand why you have that opinion of my age group as I have met quite a few people in my studies who are similar to what you have described. I would say that you are generalising perhaps from what you have seen or from your preconceptions.

Again, I do not blame you for that either. We all pre-judge and have preconceptions which may or may not be correct. I just hope that I have come some way to changing those preconceptions, and hopefully I have not strengthened them by my outburst, which I hope you do understand was due to a misunderstanding.
Last edited by jibberjabber25 on Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:00 am

MikeG wrote:You're waiting for an observer and I've been waiting months for an associate but thats life, just hang in there.

OH! Pick me, pick me! Pleease! :D
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Postby MikeG » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:10 am

HiYa Jibber,
Wish I could help you out, If it was'nt for the distance involved, I'd be round pronto, as I'm sure many on this forum would. Just keep reading the books and putting it into practice. Only a month to go.

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Postby Nigel » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:17 am

OK Jibber, no apology needed, this is just an excersise.

So, you don't like my outlook, can you be a bit more specific here ?

Remember ( or you may not have noticed ), I'm the PR officer for my group, I'm trying to recruit these youngsters, and I'm failing big time.

Also, regarding my comments on the price of modifying cars, the guys I'm trying to recruit have done just this, sometimes spending thousands of pounds.

I've been rtying to recruit the local cruise mob at MacDonalds, although from reading safetys comments, he hasn't had much luck either.

Postby jibberjabber25 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:24 am

Nigel wrote:OK Jibber, no apology needed, this is just an excersise.

So, you don't like my outlook, can you be a bit more specific here ?

Remember ( or you may not have noticed ), I'm the PR officer for my group, I'm trying to recruit these youngsters, and I'm failing big time.

Also, regarding my comments on the price of modifying cars, the guys I'm trying to recruit have done just this, sometimes spending thousands of pounds.

I've been rtying to recruit the local cruise mob at MacDonalds, although from reading safetys comments, he hasn't had much luck either.

Nigel, I have just edited to post to be a bit more specific.

I hope this is a better answer for you...

Re: modifying cars, I just don't see the point! Waste of money and time in my opinion, then again I have never ever done anything just because it is "cool" or for similar social status reasons...etc.

Regards, jibber.
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:34 am

Aww, see there are great people on this forum. I do appreciate the thoughts, shame about the distance...

I love this forum. :) I just hope that I haven't spoit it for anyone with my rant that was based on a misunderstanding. :?
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Postby MikeG » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:55 pm

jibberjabber25 wrote:Aww, see there are great people on this forum. I do appreciate the thoughts, shame about the distance...

I love this forum. :) I just hope that I haven't spoit it for anyone with my rant that was based on a misunderstanding. :?

Jibber, HiYa,
We all love you :oops: I don't think you spoilt it for anyone, everyone's allowed a rant now and again. I think you posted a very good counter-argument to Nigels post, and I can see the frustration Nigel must feel with the effort he puts in trying to get young people interested to no avail. Lets just hope they don't learn the hard way. (I think Nigel knows what I mean )
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:27 pm

MikeG wrote:Jibber, HiYa,
We all love you :oops:

Aww, now I feel all warm and fuzzy. :oops:

I should also state that an observer on here has offered me a taster session and I have taken up that offer, and I would like to thank that observer wholeheartedly. :) How nice of him/her.

I will not state who it was at this stage, just in case he/she doesn't want me to say...Image
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Postby Stephen » Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:53 pm

The IAM have been trying for years to recruit the younger driver to its fold without much success. They tried the Alpha 5 group which was exclusively young men and woman under 25yrs old,this fizzled out quicker than it started. Then not so long ago they tried a new angle with the max power and adrian flux insurance,once again what happened you gued it flopped.

Why?. I hear you all say because the young ones want to do there own thing drive fast, play loud music,and modify there cars, I think it's a case of they will come to the IAM when they are good and ready and not before it.

They could of course come as a recomendation from people like the police,say if they get caught speeding or driving in appropriately then instead of getting a ticket or taken to court they could be diverted onto a safer driving course designed especially for a certain age group similar to the driver improvement scheme or speed awareness.

So,you do have a very up hill struggle if you want to encourage the younger driver,and I think you will struggle unless you can give them something fast and exciting,not slow and boring like the IAM have to offer.

And before you all criticise I have been with the IAM for over 16yrs and a senior observer (trainer).
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Postby vonhosen » Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:10 am

No criticism from me.

I know exactly where you are coming from & it is a problem.

The "S" we are interested (being Safety) is not the "S" they (in the main, as I don't want to do anyone a dis-service) are interested in (being Speed).

Put simply Safety is not sexy to young eyes, but Speed is.

(I don't mean Safety1st when I say that :wink: )
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Postby Darren » Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:46 am

Stephen wrote:The IAM have been trying for years to recruit the younger driver to its fold without much success. They tried the Alpha 5 group which was exclusively young men and woman under 25yrs old,this fizzled out quicker than it started. Then not so long ago they tried a new angle with the max power and adrian flux insurance,once again what happened you gued it flopped.

lol, I was actually one of the founder members of Alpha 5, with Ian Grayson, Debbie (Collis) as she was back then and Daniel Hooley, Jonathan Priest. We were at At St. Helens Group then. It ran for a couple of years and we all went on to do other things in the IAM. Like I went to help and eventually re-write/design the IAM website, Ian became St. Helens Group Chairman (now Daniel Hooley).

I still have the domain name, parked.


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