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Postby learnerdriver20 » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:58 pm

Wondering if I should get a new ADI or not, hoping for some advice really..

I've taken 30+ lessons so far (I think, I stopped somewhere in between for a few months as got tired of it) but recently started up again, and passed my theory test 1st time during that time, anyway I asked my driving instructor about me booking my driving test and he got pretty angry as he hadn't said I was ready yet, and that he would get in trouble if I took the test and I failed. (is this true?) and basically if I book the test without his permission he won't let me use his car.

As far as my actual driving goes I believe I am capable, I make no real errors when driving but I'm still a little bit dodgy at roundabouts but nothing too bad, usually there's no issues... I went driving with my mum for like a 2 hrs a day last week and she believes I'm more than ready, that was without her telling me what to do as well, no real issues there. She wouldn't sugar coat it either, she's a bit harsh if anything haha.

The thing about my driving instructor is, I've had 2 mock tests since I told him I wanted to put in for my test, I failed my first with 4 serious (mirrors when changing speed 3 minors so then a serious, hit curb when reverse parking (first time I've ever done this) and my car was going backwards ever so slightly and I wasn't looking as a car was passing me and lane discipline at a roundabout) and I accepted that I wasn't ready obviously, so the next two lessons were improving on the things I done wrong,(we didn't really, they were just standard lessons again, I've told him like 5 times my main problems are roundabouts and we get like 2 a lesson...) then I had another mock test which I failed with 2 serious things, which were observations on two maneuvers which was failing to check over my shoulder on the reverse around a corner and one with failing to look behind once on a 3 pt turn.

So the next lesson was trying to improve on these things, which I did and trust me observation isn't an issue anymore, and this last lesson which has got me a bit angry was meant to be going through one of the other test routes... he forgot that's what we had planned and by the time I reminded him it was too late, so that's now the next lesson... he hasn't told me when I will be having a mock test again but he has told me that even when I pass one he wants me to do two or three 'just to make sure' as well, so there's a lot more to come! I'm not sure what to do... if he's taking the piss or not, honestly. He's a pvt instructor as in he doesn't work for a big company but is qualified.

Also about the mock tests I've done, we never once done independent driving, I had to do all of the maneuvers (reverse park, bay park, 3 pt turn and reverse around the corner) and in 30+ lessons he has never mentioned an emergency stop. Is that what a mock test is meant to be like? Nothing like the actual test? :/

Sorry about posting this huge brick wall of text but hoping someone out there can give me some help on what to do here.

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Postby Gareth » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:15 pm

The easiest thing might be to book a double lesson with another ADI, perhaps one that is recommended by some of your friends, and tell them you are looking for a second opinion about whether you are ready for the test. The reason for booking a double lesson is that it will take some time to get used to an unfamiliar car and an unfamiliar instructor, and also that it should give them plenty of time to accurately assess the state of your driving.

I wouldn't bother telling the alternative instructor about the issues you've been having with your current instructor. After all, it could be that your assessment isn't accurate, or maybe there's a personality clash. However you should be in a better position to decide your next steps based on their assessment.

If you find you get on with the alternative instructor better, even if they tell you that you're not ready for the test, then at least you have the option to choose which instructor to continue with based on actual experience.

But definitely seek recommendations before you pick another instructor.
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Postby ROG » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:55 pm

I concur with the last post

you are the client and the ADI(s) are being paid so that means you can do what you like within reason :D
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Postby Horse » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:21 pm

ROG wrote:I concur with the last post

Make that three :)

You're obviously not happy*, so book a session with someone else, but don't give them your training/test history so they report back from a 'blank canvas'.

Good luck.

* And such things can become 'self-fulfilling prophesies'
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Postby martine » Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:50 pm

and 4! Gareth's suggestion is spot on.

I think any Instructor has lost it if they get 'angry' (which you mentioned). Try another and see how you get on. The 'Emergency stop' defintely needs to be covered, as does independent driving. It all goes to show maybe it's time to move on.
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Postby fungus » Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:08 pm

Make that five.

If you are worried about the independant ellement of the test, practice when you go out with your mum. For example, get her to instruct you to follow the signs to a destination. Then ask her to give you a set of instructions, for eg. " At the end of the road turn left, then take the third road on the right, at the end of that road turn right." You may also be shown a simple map in the form of a diagram, which could show for instance, a right turn at a roundabout followed by the second road on the right, then the next road on the left. Features that are not relevant may be omitted. For eg. If you have a roundabout followed by another, roads between the two roundabouts may not be shown as they are not relevant. Also, the exits on the roundabout may not be shown if the roundabout is a simple one. Remember you can't fail your test on the independant ellement. Similarily you will not incur a serious error if you take a wrong turn/exit provided that the procedure was carried out correctly.

With regards to the emergency stop, remember NO mirror check, (you should be checking your mirrrors efficiently anyway). On the command STOP. RAPID, FIRM, PROGRESSIVE braking. Press the clutch down after the brakes, NOT before. I would advise you to apply the hand brake, then make FULL 360 degree observations, BEFORE moving off. This is important, as failure to make full obsevations here, could result in a serious error. If a signal is necessary when you move off, give it.

Sorry to shout, but I have highlighted the points that are important.
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Postby Wessex » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:06 am

And Six.

Nigel, can I just highlight that the handbrake should be applied AFTER the car has stopped. When reading your post it occurred that it could be confusing that the handbrake is applied during the braking. Both hands on the wheel until the car stops and then handbrake/select neutral.

However, 30 hours without being taught the ES? Once a person can drive the car forward then the ES procedure should follow shortly afterwards.

I also agree that once a relationship breaks down, it is hard to recover and resentment sets in. He is within his rights to withhold the use of his car if he thinks that the candidate is not ready to take and pass the test (a candidate can take the test but if that person, in the opinion of the ADI is not ready then it will be frowned upon but he won't get into trouble) but to use that as an excuse to extract more lessons (money) is wrong but unfortunately, and especially in this economic climate, this practice does exist.

You definitely need a second opinion but don't be surprised if that opinion differs from your own.
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Postby WhoseGeneration » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:09 pm

OP, enough advice from previous posters to make you think about your options.
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