New member from North Somerset

A place for new members to introduce themselves and give some background information as to their experience with driving, likes, dislikes etc. It is advisable to post here first before posting to other forum's on the site.

Postby JTizzle » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:57 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm just posting here to introduce myself as a new member of Advanced Driving UK, and am pleased to be a part of what appears to be a very worthwhile and supportive online community. I am keenly interested in road safety issues from an educational perspective, as I am currently involved in teaching a pioneering new BTEC qualification in Driving and Driver Education, which we are piloting in several schools situated within the local area. As my background is primarily in education (I originally trained as an English teacher!), I am keen to see a far greater emphasis on road safety within the school curriculum, with a particular focus on the high-risk 17-24 age group who it seems are seldom encouraged to consider further training, let alone view the process of learning to drive as a lifelong learning continuum!

That's my professional interest in the forum - to discover, promote and share educational best practice in delivering effective road safety programmes. However, my personal interest is that I am always keen to further my own skills development as a road safety practitioner, and am a current IAM member, PDI and IAM observer-in-training. I am continually looking for ways to develop my driving skills, and actively seek out new opportunities to do so. Finally, as I strongly believe in the merits of further driver training for all licence holders, I also take an active role in our local IAM group as Press and Publicity Officer, and endeavour to promote the merits of Advanced Driving courses to an ever-sceptical audience!

I hope that's enough to give you an idea of why I joined AD-UK, and I look forward to contributing to the forums in any way I can.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:13 pm

Postby TripleS » Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:06 am

Hello and welcome to ADUK.

That sounds a very worthy set of ambitions and I hope you'll enjoy your time here and that we'll all benefit from it.

There will of course be periodic distractions from the would-be comedians, but you'll just have to ignore them as necessary. :lol:

Best wishes all,
Posts: 6025
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:47 pm
Location: Briggswath, Whitby

Postby waremark » Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:57 pm

Welcome. I am sure we will all be delighted to learn more about your exciting initiatives. I have long been convinced that attitudes to road safety are firmly entrenched well before 17, but have never done anything about it myself.
Posts: 2440
Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:18 pm

Postby martine » Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:29 am

Hi there and welcome.

I've seen your scheme in the local papers and very worthwhile it looks too. Did you come to the Observer training day in Bristol recently? If you fancy a drive sometime sharing ideas/comments etc I'd be more than up for it but failing that, perhaps an ADUK driving day some time soon (Brecon 28th?).
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
Posts: 4430
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:49 pm
Location: Bristol, UK

Postby JTizzle » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:05 pm

martine wrote:Hi there and welcome.

I've seen your scheme in the local papers and very worthwhile it looks too. Did you come to the Observer training day in Bristol recently? If you fancy a drive sometime sharing ideas/comments etc I'd be more than up for it but failing that, perhaps an ADUK driving day some time soon (Brecon 28th?).

Hi, many thanks for your encouragement! The scheme is still in its infancy, but we are hoping to expand its scope over the coming months as we look to work in partnership with more schools in the local area.

Unfortunately, I missed the Observer Training day in Bristol, but a mutual friend is currently putting me through my paces with IMI training! A drive sounds great - I'll be in touch shortly and we'll see if we can find a convenient date/time.

Best wishes,

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:13 pm

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